Friday, June 4, 2010

Must Read: Pixar Revealed!

Perhaps the greatest film company in history considering it's 100% blockbuster strike-rate and super films, Pixar also works with a different model. Not 'freelancing' based but as a corporate where film-makers and crew are employees. Of course it helps when most of the them are amongst the smartest dudes in the game.

Check out this blog:
Pixar Revealed!



"You have to remember," he continues, "I spent 10 years sitting alone in Brooklyn working on my own scripts and getting dribs and drabs of feedback every couple of weeks. And suddenly, it's like you're crawling through the desert and one day you drill down and hit a geyser. Sitting in on those Brain Trust meetings have been some of the most exhilarating moments of my creative life."


"People say that writing is re-writing," he [Arndt] continues, "but that leaves out a crucial part of the equation: the feedback you get prior to your re-write. Pixar stories work because of the robustness of the story feedback system."


Arndt's observations on his time at Pixar only confirm what many film pundits and fans have long suspected: Pixar's films are such rousing successes because of the attention each individual at the studio dedicates to the screenplays.


"Andrew Stanton's rule of thumb is that it takes 10 man-years of labor to make a good screenplay,"

Well the link is to a blog; the complete article would be in the magazine, Creative Screenwriting. Here's Scott Myers' blog with a lot of dope:

Pixar Revealed!

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